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Concrete, asphalt and sand can cause damage to your dog's paws.
Summer can be harsh on your dog's paws. As temperatures rise, the pavement can heat up causing burns and damage to your dog's paws. Things like asphalt, concrete, and even sand can become 40-50 degrees hotter than the outside temperature. Just to give you an example, when it's 87 degrees outside, the asphalt can reach as high as 143 degrees. So you can only imagine how hot pavement can get when it's 100 degrees or hotter! One thing you can do to check if the pavement is safe for your dog is to take your hand and hold it on the pavement or asphalt for 10 seconds. If you can do this without flinching, it's probably safe for your dog.
Here are some things you can do to protect your dog.
#1 Don't walk your dog in the middle of the day
This one may seem obvious but it's worth saying. Walk your dog either in the morning or in the evening when the pavement is cool.
#2 Stay on grassy surfaces
If you do walk your dog when it's really hot outside, try to do so on grass. We have a park a couple of streets down from our house so in the summer, instead of walking on the sidewalk to get there, I'll just drive.
#3 Toughen your dog's paws
Walk your dog frequently when it's cool outside to toughen the pads of their paws. This will thicken their skin and create a callus so they are less prone to injuries like burns and cuts. As an added bonus, you won't have to trim their nails as much because the pavement will actually file them.
#4 Protect their paws BEFORE you go outside
There are a couple of things you can put on your dog's paws to give them an extra layer of protection. They do make booties for your dog but I don't recommend those because dogs breathe through their feet and cool themselves through in between the pads of their paws as well as their tongue. Putting booties or shoes on them prevents your dog from fully being able to cool themselves.
Also, I don't know about your dog, but Rocket has NO ideas how to walk in those things.
The best products I have found to protect and heal their paws are by a company called Natural Dog Company. I love them because all of their products are only organic, vegan and all-natural ingredients. I have been using their products on Rocket for years. The two that I use to protect his paws are Pawtector and Pawsoother.
The first thing you want to do is put on the Pawtector. This basically provides a barrier between the pavement and your dog's paws. We live in Utah. We have an endless amount of hiking trails. I LOVE hiking with Rocket. It's one of my favorite things to do with him. We usually try and go at least once a week. I always put the Pawtector on his paws before we hike. A lot of the trails we hike on are rocky and sandy. The sand gets really hot and the rocks can be sharp. It works really well to help protect against the heat and cuts and does a really good job at moisturizing so his paws don't get too dry and crack
Pawtector is also awesome in the winter. If you guys get lots of snow and ice like we do, this product is a lifesaver. People put tons of salt on the ground to melt the snow and that burns dog's paws. If I don't put that product on Rocket, he starts limping instantly from the salt. So, it works really well in the summer and in the winter.
When we get home, I use the Pawsoother. Pawsoother provides relief for your dog. It's like chapstick for our lips when our lips are really dry. It deeply moisturizes and heals any small cuts or burns that your dog may have. Often when we camp, Rocket will get little burrs or thorns in his paws and this works really well to heal that.
Both of these products are safe to eat so you don't have to worry about your dog licking their paws after you apply. I'm not gonna lie, I have actually used this on myself before. Like when I have dry skin, or even on my cuticles. It works really well and the ingredients are all natural. So yes, Rocket and I have been known to share this product.
I have teamed up with Natural Dog Company to offer my readers a 10% discount. Simply apply promo code “ROCKET” to your order at checkout.
What happens if your dog does get a burned paw? These are some signs that can indicate if your dog is in some sort of distress.
- Chewing their paw
- Licking their paw
- Limping
- Whining
- Reluctant to walk
Make sure that you are checking your dog's paws often.
If you see any damage such as blisters or redness or missing part of the pad then you may want to call your vet because this can turn into an infection. If you have a puppy, be especially careful with them because they have not developed calluses yet and have very soft, sensitive and adorable skin.
⇒Here is the link for the products mentioned in the video: Pawtector and PawSoother
Leave us a comment below with any tips you have to keep your dog's paws safe. Happy summer!
⇒ Soak up the sun in style! Check out our summer must-haves for you AND your POOCH! Post: Summer Must-Have For You And Your Dog
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